Arduino > BoussoleNumériqueHM55B
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Brancher le HM55B à l'Arduino selon le tableau suivant:
Broche HM55B | Broche Arduino |
1 | 6 (numérique) |
2 | 6 (numérique) |
3 | GND |
4 | 5 (numérique) |
5 | 4 (numérique) |
6 | 5V |
// Based on code by kiilo // found here: // PINS #define EN 4 #define CLK 5 #define DIO 6 void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); // Setup pins pinMode(EN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN,LOW); // Reset HM55B digitalWrite(EN,LOW); pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT); shiftNOut(DIO,CLK,0,4); digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); } void loop() { // Start measuring digitalWrite(EN,LOW); pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT); shiftNOut(DIO,CLK,B1000,4); // Wait till data is ready int result; do { digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN,LOW); shiftNOut(DIO,CLK,B1100,4); pinMode(DIO, INPUT); result = shiftNIn(DIO,CLK,4); } while (result != B1100); // Data should be ready, read it int x = shiftNIn(DIO,CLK,11); int y = shiftNIn(DIO,CLK,11); digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); // The digital compass does not represent negative values the same // way as does the Arduino does. // Correct negative values: if ( x & (1<<10) ) { x = (B11111000 << 8) | x; } if ( y & (1<<10) ) { y = (B11111000 << 8) | y; } // Find the angle int angle = 180 * (atan2(-1 * y , x) / M_PI); Serial.println(angle); } // Shift functions void shiftNOut(byte dataPin, byte clockPin, int value, byte n) { // Send most significant byte out first int mask = 0x01 << (n-1); for(byte i = 0; i < n; i++) { digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); if ( value & mask ) { digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW); } digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); mask = mask >> 1; } digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW); } int shiftNIn(byte dataPin, byte clockPin, byte n) { int result=0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Waste time (2 x 62.5 ns) result= result << 1; if (digitalRead(dataPin) == HIGH) { result = result | 0x01; } digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Waste time (2 x 62.5 ns) } return result; }
Cet exemple utilise Tata.
Brancher le HM55B à l'Arduino en suivant l'exemple précédent.
#include <Tata.h> /* This example sends the data read from a HM55B digital compass to the computer by ASCII: HM55B > bit shifting > Arduino/Tata > ASCII > computer To trigger a read of the sensor send the following ASCII message: "HM55B" The computer will then receive an ASCII response in the form: "HM55B x" where x is the angle measured in degrees Connect the sensor's /EN pin to the Arduino's digital pin 4 Connect the sensor's CLK pin to the Arduino's digital pin 5 Connect the sensor's Din and Dout pins to the Arduino's digital pin 6 */ #define EN 4 #define CLK 5 #define DIO 6 byte reading; void messageReceived() { if ( Tata.type() == ASCII ) { if ( Tata.checkWord("HM55B")) { startReading(); } } } void setup() { byte digitalPinsDetached[] = { 4,5,6 }; // Tata.begin()'s arguments are: // 1: baud rate // 2: custom message function // 3: custom firmware name // 4: array of digital pins detached // 5: number of digital pins detached // 6: array of analog pins detached // 7: number of analog pins detached Tata.begin(57600,messageReceived,"HM55B",digitalPinsDetached,3,0,0); // Setup pins pinMode(EN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN,LOW); // Reset HM55B digitalWrite(EN,LOW); pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT); shiftNOut(DIO,CLK,0,4); digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); } void loop() { Tata.process(); // We check to see if there is any available data if ( reading ) { digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(EN,LOW); shiftNOut(DIO,CLK,B1100,4); pinMode(DIO, INPUT); int result = shiftNIn(DIO,CLK,4); // If data is ready if ( result == B1100 ) { // Read it int x = shiftNIn(DIO,CLK,11); int y = shiftNIn(DIO,CLK,11); digitalWrite(EN,HIGH); reading = 0; // The digital compass does not represent negative values the same // way as does the Arduino does. // Correct negative values: if ( x & (1<<10) ) { x = (B11111000 << 8) | x; } if ( y & (1<<10) ) { y = (B11111000 << 8) | y; } // Find the angle int angle = 180 * (atan2(-1 * y , x) / M_PI); Serial.print("HM55B "); Serial.println(angle); } } } // HM55B void startReading() { // Initiate a reading reading = 1; digitalWrite(EN,LOW); pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT); shiftNOut(DIO,CLK,B1000,4); } // SHIFTING void shiftNOut(byte dataPin, byte clockPin, int value, byte n) { // Send most significant byte out first int mask = 0x01 << (n-1); for(byte i = 0; i < n; i++) { digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); if ( value & mask ) { digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW); } digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); mask = mask >> 1; } digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW); } int shiftNIn(byte dataPin, byte clockPin, byte n) { int result=0; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Waste time (2 x 62.5 ns) result= result << 1; if (digitalRead(dataPin) == HIGH) { result = result | 0x01; } digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); __asm__("nop\n\t""nop\n\t"); // Waste time (2 x 62.5 ns) } return result; }