Arduino > ExempleDémultiplexeurNumérique74HC595
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Code Arduino:
/* This code lights up each LED connected to a 74HC595 as determined by the binary value of a counter. */ // Pin connected to SRCLK of 74HC595 int CLOCK = 12; // Pin connected to RCLK of 74HC595 int LATCH = 11; // Pin connected to SER of 74HC595 int DATA = 10; byte counter = 0; void setup() { //set pins to output so you can control the shift register pinMode(LATCH, OUTPUT); pinMode(CLOCK, OUTPUT); pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // take the latchPin low digitalWrite(LATCH, LOW); // shift out the bits: shiftOut(DATA, CLOCK, MSBFIRST, counter); //take the latch pin high so the LEDs update: digitalWrite(LATCH, HIGH); // pause before next value: delay(100); counter = counter + 1; }
/* This code lights up each LED connected to a cascade of 74HC595 as determined by the binary value of a counter. */ // Pin connected to SRCLK of BOTH 74HC595 int CLOCK = 12; // Pin connected to RCLK of BOTH 74HC595 int LATCH = 11; // Pin connected to SER of the first 74HC595 int DATA = 10; byte counter = 0; void setup() { //set pins to output so you can control the shift registers pinMode(LATCH, OUTPUT); pinMode(CLOCK, OUTPUT); pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // take the latchPin low digitalWrite(LATCH, LOW); // shift out the bits for the SECOND 74HC595: shiftOut(DATA, CLOCK, MSBFIRST, 255 - counter); // shift out the bits for the FIRST 74HC595: shiftOut(DATA, CLOCK, MSBFIRST, counter); //take the latch pin high so the LEDs update: digitalWrite(LATCH, HIGH); // pause before next value: delay(100); counter = counter + 1; }
/* Controls up to 16x 75HC595 through msg custom messages. Each byte of the custom message is sent to one 75HC595. If you want to control 3x 75HC595, then you send 3 bytes. */ #include <msg.h> // Pin connected to SRCLK of 74HC595 int CLOCK = 12; // Pin connected to RCLK of 74HC595 int LATCH = 11; // Pin connected to SER of 74HC595 int DATA = 10; // We will store the bytes sent from the computer // into this array: byte dataFromComputer[16]; byte dataLength; void message() { // Read avaialbe bytes from computer: dataLength = msg.availableBytes() ; // If there is more bytes than the size // of the array, limit the number of bytes: if ( dataLength > 16 ) dataLength = 16; // Read each byte sent by the computer // and store it in the array: for ( int i =0; i < dataLength ; i++ ) { dataFromComputer[i] = msg.readByte(); } msg.writeBytes(dataFromComputer,dataLength); // Update 595's // take the latchPin low digitalWrite(LATCH, LOW); // Shift out the bits for each byte we received // from the computer: for ( int i =0; i < dataLength ; i++ ) { // shift out the bits: shiftOut(DATA, CLOCK, MSBFIRST, dataFromComputer[i]); } //take the latch pin high: digitalWrite(LATCH, HIGH); } void setup() { // Setup msg whith the custom message function. // Also change its name to notify that this version // of msg is modified: msg.setup(message,"74*595"); // Detach the pins used in our custom code from // msg's control: msg.detach(LATCH); msg.detach(CLOCK); msg.detach(DATA); // Set pins used in our custom code to output // so you can control the shift register: pinMode(LATCH, OUTPUT); pinMode(CLOCK, OUTPUT); pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT); } void loop() { msg.loop(); // Update msg }