Arduino > Métronomes et processus parallèles («multi-threading»)
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unsigned long timeStamp; unsigned long interval = 1000; void setup() { } void loop() { if ( millis() - timeStamp >= interval ) { // SI interval TEMPS S'EST ECOULE DEPUIS LE DERNIER timeStamp timeStamp = millis(); // ENREGISTRER LE TEMPS COURANT DANS LE timeStamp /* FAIRE DE QUOI ICI A CHAQUE INTERVALLE */ } }
unsigned long timeStamp; #define TAILLE_DU_TABLEAU 4 unsigned long intervals[TAILLE_DU_TABLEAU] = {1000,500,250,125}; int indexDuTableau = 0; int ledState = LOW; void setup() { pinMode(13,OUTPUT); } void loop() { // SI `interval` TEMPS S'EST ECOULE DEPUIS LE DERNIER `timeStamp = millis()` if ( millis() - timeStamp >= intervals[indexDuTableau] ) { // ENREGISTRER LE TEMPS COURANT DANS `timeStamp ` timeStamp = millis(); // BASCULER LA DEL if ( ledState == LOW ) ledState = HIGH; else ledState = LOW; // ALLUMER OU ETEINDRE LA DEL digitalWrite( 13, ledState); // INCREMENT L'INDEX DU TABLEAU indexDuTableau = indexDuTableau + 1; // SI l'INDEX DEPASSE LA TAILLE DU TABLEAU REMETTRE L'INDEX A 0 if ( indexDuTableau >= TAILLE_DU_TABLEAU ) indexDuTableau = 0; } }
unsigned long timeStamp; #define TAILLE_DU_TABLEAU 4 unsigned long intervals[TAILLE_DU_TABLEAU] = {1000,500,250,125}; int indexDuTableau = 0; unsigned long timeStampLed; unsigned long intervalLed = 100; void setup() { pinMode(13,OUTPUT); } void loop() { // SI `interval` TEMPS S'EST ECOULE DEPUIS LE DERNIER `timeStamp = millis()` if ( millis() - timeStamp >= intervals[indexDuTableau] ) { // ENREGISTRER LE TEMPS COURANT DANS `timeStamp ` timeStamp = millis(); // ALLUMER LA DEL digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // COMMENCER A COMPTER LE TEMPS POUR LA DEL timeStampLed = millis(); // INCREMENT L'INDEX DU TABLEAU indexDuTableau = indexDuTableau + 1; // SI l'INDEX DEPASSE LA TAILLE DU TABLEAU REMETTRE L'INDEX A 0 if ( indexDuTableau >= TAILLE_DU_TABLEAU ) indexDuTableau = 0; } // SI `intervalLed` TEMPS S'EST ECOULE DEPUIS `timeStampLed = millis()` // ALORS ETEINDRE LA DEL if ( millis() - timeStampLed >= intervalLed ) { digitalWrite( 13, LOW); } }
/* Blink without Delay Turns on and off a light emitting diode(LED) connected to a digital pin, without using the delay() function. This means that other code can run at the same time without being interrupted by the LED code. The circuit: * LED attached from pin 13 to ground. * Note: on most Arduinos, there is already an LED on the board that's attached to pin 13, so no hardware is needed for this example. */ // the number of the LED pin #define LEDPIN 13 // interval at which to blink (milliseconds) #define INTERVAL 1000 int ledState = LOW; // ledState used to set the LED unsigned long timeStamp = 0; // will store last time LED was updated void setup() { // set the digital pin as output: pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { // check to see if it's time to blink the LED; that is, if the // difference between the current time and last time you blinked // the LED is bigger than the interval at which you want to // blink the LED. if(millis() - timeStamp >= INTERVAL) { // save the last time you blinked the LED timeStamp = timeStamp + INTERVAL; // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa: if (ledState == LOW) ledState = HIGH; else ledState = LOW; // set the LED with the ledState of the variable: digitalWrite(LEDPIN, ledState); } // here is where you'd put code that needs to be running all the time. }
/* The circuit: Attach a red LED to pin 2 (with an appropriate resistor) and a green LED to pin 3 (with an appropriate resistor). */ // the LED pins #define RED_LED 2 #define GREEN_LED 3 // interval at which to blink (milliseconds) #define RED_INTERVAL 1000 #define GREEN_INTERVAL 500 int redLedState; int greenLedState; unsigned long redTimeStamp; unsigned long greenTimeStamp; void setup() { pinMode(RED_LED,OUTPUT); pinMode(GREEN_LED,OUTPUT); } void loop() { if(millis() - redTimeStamp >= RED_INTERVAL ) { // save the last time you blinked the LED redTimeStamp = millis(); // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa: if (redLedState == LOW) redLedState = HIGH; else redLedState = LOW; // set the LED with the ledState of the variable: digitalWrite(RED_LED, redLedState); } if(millis() - greenTimeStamp >= GREEN_INTERVAL ) { // save the last time you blinked the LED greenTimeStamp = millis(); // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa: if (greenLedState == LOW) greenLedState = HIGH; else greenLedState = LOW; // set the LED with the ledState of the variable: digitalWrite(GREEN_LED, greenLedState); } }
/* Circuit: Attacher une DEL rouge à la broche 2 (avec une résistance appropriée) et une DEL verte à la broche 3 (avec une résistance appropriée) . */ class Led { private: byte pin; byte state; int interval; unsigned long lastMillis; public: Led(byte _pin, int _interval) { pin = _pin; interval = _interval; pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); } void update() { if(millis() - lastMillis > interval) { lastMillis = millis(); if (state == LOW) state = HIGH; else state = LOW; digitalWrite(pin, state); } } }; Led red(2,1000); Led green(3,500); /* // La ligne suivant démontre comment initialiser des classes dans un tableau: Led leds[2] = {Led(2,1000), Led(3,500)}; */ void setup() { } void loop() { red.update(); green.update(); }