Arduino > Matrice

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  1. 1. Matrice de DEL
    1. 1.1 Démultiplexeurs
    2. 1.2 MAX7219

1.  Matrice de DEL


1.1  Démultiplexeurs



// Pin connected to SRCLK of both 74HC595
int CLOCK = 10;
// Pin connected to RCLK of both 74HC595
int LATCH = 9;
// Pin connected to SER of 74HC595 for rows ( R1 to R8 )
int DATA = 8;

byte column = 0;

byte image[8];

void setup() {
        // Set pins to output so you can control the shift register:
        pinMode(LATCH, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(CLOCK, OUTPUT);
        pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT);

        // Fill the image array with data:
        image[0] = B00000001;
        image[1] = B00000010;
        image[2] = B00000100;
        image[3] = B00001000;
        image[4] = B00010000;
        image[5] = B00100000;
        image[6] = B01000000;
        image[7] = B10000000;


void loop() {

        // take the latchPin low
        digitalWrite(LATCH, LOW);
        // shift out the bits for the columns:
        shiftOut(DATA, CLOCK, MSBFIRST, B00000001 << column);
        // shift out the bits for the row:
        shiftOut(DATA, CLOCK, MSBFIRST, image[column]);
        //take the latch pin high so the LEDs update:
        digitalWrite(LATCH, HIGH);

        column = (column + 1) % 8;



1.2  MAX7219