BEAM > Pummer

1.  Description

"Pummers are nocturnal critters that soak up sunlight during the daytime, then get active at night. Their nocturnal activity can either consist of a light show, or some pattern of sounds. Electronically, Pummers essentially consist of just two parts -- a nocturnal solar engine, and a load circuit (which is only powered at night)." 

2.  Circuit Simplifié

74AC240 (fiche technique)

3.  Article de Make Magazine

Make Magazine's article  (copy)

4.  Autres circuits

Dual LED

5.  Pummer

"Pummers are nocturnal critters that soak up sunlight during the daytime, then get active at night. Their nocturnal activity can either consist of a light show, or some pattern of sounds. Electronically, Pummers essentially consist of just two parts -- a nocturnal solar engine, and a load circuit (which is only powered at night)." 

pummerguy2 pummerguy1 pummerbug1 pummerbug2 pummerbug3

5.1  Composants

74AC240 (fiche technique)

5.2  Circuit

5.3  Circuit de test

5.4  Préparer les batteries et la cellule photovoltaïque

5.5  Autres circuits