Tata > Micrologiciel

1.  Tata.begin(long baud)

2.  Tata.begin(long baud,TataCallbackFunction callback, char* description)

3.  void Tata.process()

Process serial data and execute commands. You must call this function as often as possible.

4.  byte Tata.available()

Returns the number of elements available in the current message.

5.  int Tata.readInt()

Returns the current element as an integer. Returns 0 if the element was not a number. And then passes to the next element in the message.

6.  long Tata.readLong()

Returns the element as an long. Returns 0 if the element was not a number. And then passes to the next element in the message.

7.  void Tata.copyWord(char* target, byte maxsize)

Copies the current element as a string into the the array pointed by the target char array. maxsize must match the size of the target char array. TAnd then passes to the next element in the message.

8.  byte Tata.checkWord(char* check)

Compares the element to the string check.