Arduino > Communication série
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/* This code will toggle pin 13 on and off every second (1000 ms). This should be the debug LED's pin. So the debug LED should blink every second. */ // INCLUDE CHRONO LIBRARY : #include <Chrono.h> // Set the led's pin int ledPin = 13; //Create a variable to hold the led's state int ledState = HIGH; // Instanciate a Chrono object. Chrono ledChrono; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPin,ledState); } void loop() { if (ledChrono.hasPassed(1000) ) { // returns true if it passed 1000 ms since it was started ledChrono.restart(); // restart the crono so that it triggers again later // toggle the stored state if (ledState==HIGH) ledState=LOW; else ledState=HIGH; // write the state to the pin digitalWrite(ledPin,ledState); } }
// This code will toggle output 13 every 250 ms // and will toggle output 9 every 125 ms // INCLUDE CHRONO LIBRARY : #include <Chrono.h> // Create variables for the LED pins int ledPinA = 13; int ledPinB = 9; // Create variables to hold the LED states int ledStateA = HIGH; int ledStateB = HIGH; // Instantiate two Chronos Chrono chronoA; Chrono chronoB; void setup() { pinMode(ledPinA,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPinA,ledStateA); pinMode(ledPinB,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPinB,ledStateB); } void loop() { // Use Chrono as a metronome with an interval of 250 ms: if ( chronoA.hasPassed(250) ) { // returns true if it passed 250 ms since it was started chronoA.restart(); // restart the crono so that it triggers again later ledStateA = !ledStateA; // !: toggle the state from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 digitalWrite(ledPinA,ledStateA); } // Use Chrono as a metronome with an interval of 125 ms: if ( chronoB.hasPassed(125) ) { // returns true if it passed 125 ms since it was started chronoB.restart(); // restart the crono so that it triggers again later ledStateB = !ledStateB; // !: toggle the state from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0 digitalWrite(ledPinB,ledStateB); } }
#include <Chrono.h> Chrono unMetronome; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(57600); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if ( unMetronome.hasPassed(500) ) { unMetronome.restart(); Serial.print("ms "); Serial.print( millis() ); Serial.println(); } }
int brocheInterrupteur = 4; int lectureEnMemoire; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(57600); // change INPUT_PULLUP for INPUT if your are using an external PULL_UP pinMode(4,INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { int lecture = digitalRead( brocheInterrupteur ) ; if ( lectureEnMemoire != lecture ) { lectureEnMemoire = lecture; Serial.print("interrupeteur "); Serial.print( lectureEnMemoire ); Serial.println(); } }
Installer la logithèque AsciiMassage
Voir les exemples inclus avec la logithèque.
// This example uses : // * the ASCII format for packing the massage; // * the Serial protocol for sending the massage; // * Chrono to control the interval of the messages sent. #include <Chrono.h> Chrono chrono; // Include AsciiMassagePacker.h for ASCII format massage packing. #include <AsciiMassagePacker.h> // Instantiate an AsciiMassagePacker for packing massages. AsciiMassagePacker outbound; void setup() { // Start the Serial protocol at 57600 baud. Serial.begin(57600); } void loop() { if ( chrono.hasPassed(500) ) { chrono.restart(); // This is just an example of sending the number of milliseconds. // The application receiving the massage must expect a massage // with the same address ("ms" in this case). outbound.beginPacket("ms"); // Start a packet with the address called "value". outbound.addLong( millis() ); // Add the milliseconds. outbound.endPacket(); // End the packet. // Send the packet with the Serial protocol. Serial.write( outbound.buffer(), outbound.size() ); // You can view the sent massages in Arduino's Serial Monitor // because Arduino's Serial Monitor uses the ASCII format. } }
// A PROCESSING EXAMPLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THIS SKETCH CAN BE FOUND INSIDE // "applications/Processing/AsciiMassage_Processing/" OF THE FOLLOWING DOWNLOAD : // // A CYCLING 74 EXAMPLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH THIS SKETCH CAN BE FOUND INSIDE // "applications/Cycling 74 Max 7/AsciiMassenger.maxpat" OF THE FOLLOWING DOWNLOAD : // // MOST ARDUINOS HAVE THE DEBUG LED ON PIN 13. int debugLedPin = 13; // ICLUDE MASSAGE #include <AsciiMassagePacker.h> #include <AsciiMassageParser.h> // PACKER(FOR SENDING) AND PARSER(FOR RECEIVING) INSTANCES. AsciiMassageParser inbound; AsciiMassagePacker outbound; /////////// // SETUP // /////////// void setup() { // INITIATE SERIAL COMMUNICATION. Serial.begin(57600); // SET DEBUG LEG PIN AS OUTPUT. pinMode(debugLedPin, OUTPUT); } ////////////////////// // SEND AND RECEIVE // ////////////////////// // THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS ARE HELPER FUNCTIONS. // sendPacket() SENDS OUT A MASSAGE ONCE IT IS PACKED. // receivePacket() CHECK FOR A COMPLETED MASSAGE AND // INDICATES WHAT TO DO WITH ITS CONTENTS. // SEND PACKED PACKET OVER SERIAL. void sendPacket() { Serial.write(outbound.buffer(), outbound.size()); } // RECEIVE OVER SERIAL AND PARSE ASCII PACKET void receivePacket() { while ( Serial.available() ) { // PARSE INPUT. RETURNS 1 (TRUE) IF MASSAGE IS COMPLETE. if ( inbound.parse( ) ) { if ( inbound.fullMatch("d") ) { digitalWrite(debugLedPin, inbound.nextInt() ); } else { outbound.packEmpty("what?"); sendPacket(); } } } } ////////// // LOOP // ////////// void loop() { receivePacket(); }