Arduino > Wemos D1 : OSC avec TinyOsc
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TinyOsc est une logithèque très rapide et performante pour Arduino. Elle peut être téléchargée ici :
/* RECEIVED OSC MESSAGES: /led 1 : turn on the builtin LED AND a LED tied to pin 4 (D2 on the Wemos) /led 0 : turn off the builtin LED AND a LED tied to pin 4 (D2 on the Wemos) *: please not that on the Wemos, the builtin LED is inverted (i.e. on when off) SENT OSC MESSAGES: /button 0 : when pin 0 (D3 on the Wemos) when a button is pressed to GND /button 1 : when pin 0 (D3 on the Wemos)is high when a button is released to PULL_UP */ // INCLUDE ESP8266WiFi: #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // Please change the following values with your network settings: const char* ssid = "NETWORK NAME"; const char* password = "NETWORK PASSWORD"; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 25, 10); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 25, 1); IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); // UDP int udpReceivePort = 7777; IPAddress udpTxIp = IPAddress(192, 168, 25, 125); int udpTxPort = 7890; // INCLUDE ESP8266 UDP #include <WiFiUdp.h> WiFiUDP udp; // UDP BUFFERS #define UDP_RX_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE 256 char udpRxBuffer[UDP_RX_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE]; #define UDP_TX_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE 256 char udpTxBuffer[UDP_TX_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE]; // OSC PARSER AND PACKER #include <TinyOsc.h> TinyOsc osc; #include <Bounce2.h> Bounce button; //=========== //== SETUP == //=========== void setup() { // INITIATE SERIAL COMMUNICATION FOR DEBUGGING. Serial.begin(57600); Serial.println("***STARTING WIFI***"); // BEGIN WIFI WiFi.config(ip , gateway , subnet ); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // WAIT UNTIL CONNECTED while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); delay(10); } // // PRINT CONNECTION SETTINGS Serial.println(); Serial.println("WiFi connected, IP address: "); Serial.println( WiFi.localIP() ); udp.begin(udpReceivePort); // BEGIN LISTENING ON UDP PORT udpReceivePort // SETUP THE BUILTIN LED pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // SETUP THE OTHER LED pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // SETUP THE BUTTON ON PIN 0 button.attach(0, INPUT_PULLUP); button.interval(5); } // FUNCTION THAT IS CALLED FOR EVERY RECEIVED MESSAGE void receivedOscMessage() { // GET THE TYPE TAGS AS A C STRING POINTER char * typeTags = osc.getTypeTags(); Serial.println("***OSC***"); Serial.print("Address: "); Serial.println(osc.getAddress()); Serial.print("Type tags: "); Serial.println(typeTags); // IF THE ADDRESS IS /led AND THERE IS AN INTEGER ('i') if ( osc.fullMatch("/led") && typeTags[0] == 'i' ) { int state = osc.getNextInt32(); digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, state); digitalWrite(4, state); } } //========== //== LOOP == //========== void loop() { // CHECK FOR OSC MESSAGES OVER UDP // =============================== // CHECK IF AN UDP PACKET WAS RECEIVED: // udp.parsePacket() RETURNS ture IF IT AN UDP PACKET WAS RECEIVED if ( udp.parsePacket() ) { // COPY THE PACKET INTO A BUFFER THAT WILL THEN BE USED BY TinyOsc // RETURNS THE NUMBER OF chars THAT WERE RECEIVED int packetSize =, UDP_RX_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE); Serial.println("***UDP***"); Serial.print("Received packet of size: "); Serial.println(packetSize); Serial.print("From: "); IPAddress remoteIp = udp.remoteIP(); Serial.println(remoteIp); // PARSE THE OSC MESSAGES FROM THE BUFFER // <TinyOsc>.parse( buffer name, size of the data, callback function) // FOR EVERY PARSED OSC MESSAGE IN udpRxBuffer THE receivedOscMessage WILL BE CALLED osc.parse( udpRxBuffer, packetSize, receivedOscMessage); } // UPDATE THE BUTTON button.update(); if ( button.rose() ) { // SEND OSC MESSAGES OVER UDP // =============================== // <TinyOsc>.writeMessage( name of buffer to write to , the maximum size of the buffer , the address , the format string , data... ) // THE FORMAT STRING MUST MATCH THE DATA // 'i':32-bit integer // IN THIS CASE, THE DATA IS 1 (integer) int udpTxBufferLength = osc.writeMessage( udpTxBuffer, UDP_TX_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE , "/button", "i", 1 ); // udpTxBuffer NOW CONTAINS THE OSC MESSAGE AND WE SEND IT OVER UDP udp.beginPacket( udpTxIp , udpTxPort ); udp.write( udpTxBuffer , udpTxBufferLength ); udp.endPacket(); } else if ( button.fell() ) { // <TinyOsc>.writeMessage( name of buffer to write to , the maximum size of the buffer , the address , the format string , data... ) // THE FORMAT STRING MUST MATCH THE DATA // 'i':32-bit integer // IN THIS CASE, THE DATA IS 0 (integer) int udpTxBufferLength = osc.writeMessage( udpTxBuffer, UDP_TX_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE , "/button", "i", 0 ); // udpTxBuffer NOW CONTAINS THE OSC MESSAGE AND WE SEND IT OVER UDP udp.beginPacket( udpTxIp , udpTxPort ); udp.write( udpTxBuffer , udpTxBufferLength ); udp.endPacket(); } }
<pre><code> ----------begin_max5_patcher---------- 483.3ocyU0zaaCCC8rCP9OHHziYYRp1NN659ArC83PQghMQlJrkLjjyRQQ+u O8gclwhKRpWFvxAQHJJ936QYlWWtHAuScDLXzWPeGkj7pySRvm2SxfiDbC+X YM2DBDWpZZ.oEup+PKbzFNnqpUCkf3.f3k1Ndc8KnNCXPe6gudJZQUHV0tm+ T9ImxtFgrFrA.nCda41xeHj6exkUarFoYoqIqPzz7fof3ML2J5wQ4R0YGRFI 38skK7VmY0MglFPVccb79ONGYrr.4H+64nUseeMLUcylQgmEpaVnrYoCquWU eJSQe1WZgXZvBmp+6a0x07FvB5m.IeWM72w3FvX36gy6petFpP2QmRKJlVJX WTJx23WSixBaNRgSGlMUkvOcU+4LsUKF8rdDOylaKmtMzyumcIhRt4jYzLmM EaISQqzYSq3Tlsa9+p+ML+gtksllWr1MtfRPab+lh8zYydRzjm8Q6pw3v0B4 Y+0R.M+A+AwMpNc4fn0+MGZDfUfwJjbqPIGEDMFz6qvWMboWCbY2L37SWuLd EShWu5xaaO.ZS+MhP4d+7rR62WrJtWHi6Iw8Z3fX3JwW.Xt109stdemNTg3i 48evfaTUfV1IBQ673IqG5vSToanrokGoU3o7xEt.9EvaJpMi -----------end_max5_patcher----------- </code></pre>
// INTALL oscP5 FROM THE LIBRARY MANAGER /* RECEIVED OSC MESSAGES: /button 0 : set the background to white /button 1 : set the background to black SENT OSC MESSAGES: /led 1 : sent when the mouse is pressed /led 0 : sent when the mouse is released */ import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 oscP5; /* myRemoteLocation is a NetAddress. a NetAddress takes 2 parameters, * an ip address and a port number. myRemoteLocation is used as parameter in * oscP5.send() when sending osc packets to another computer, device, * application. usage see below. for testing purposes the listening port * and the port of the remote location address are the same, hence you will * send messages back to this sketch. */ NetAddress remoteLocation = new NetAddress("",7777); color backgroundColor = color(0); void setup() { size(400,400); /* start oscP5, listening for incoming messages at port 7890 */ oscP5 = new OscP5(this,7890); } void draw() { background(backgroundColor); } void mousePressed() { /* in the following different ways of creating osc messages are shown by example */ OscMessage message = new OscMessage("/led"); message.add(1); /* add an int to the osc message */ /* send the message */ oscP5.send(message, remoteLocation); } void mouseReleased() { /* in the following different ways of creating osc messages are shown by example */ OscMessage message = new OscMessage("/led"); message.add(0); /* add an int to the osc message */ /* send the message */ oscP5.send(message, remoteLocation); } /* incoming osc message are forwarded to the oscEvent method. */ void oscEvent(OscMessage theOscMessage) { /* print the address pattern and the typetag of the received OscMessage */ println("### received an osc message:"); println("addrpattern: "+theOscMessage.addrPattern()); println("typetag: "+theOscMessage.typetag()); String address = theOscMessage.addrPattern(); if ( address.equals("/button") ) { // Get the first int value int intValue = theOscMessage.get(0).intValue(); if ( intValue == 0 ) backgroundColor = color(0); else backgroundColor = color(255); } }