Arduino > Rainbowduino
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Permet de contrôler des matrices de DEL par I2C.
Broche du convertisseur USB vers série |
Broche du Rainbowduino |
5V |
Broche de l'Arduino lobotomisé |
Broche du Rainbowduino |
5V |
Broche de l'Arduino maître |
Broche du Rainbowduino esclave |
Analog 4 |
Analog 5 |
5V |
VCC du terminal vert |
GND du terminal vert |
#include <Wire.h> void setup() { Serial.begin(57600); Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master) } void loop() { while ( fourTenAvailable() ) { int channel = fourTenReadChannel(); if ( channel == 13 ) { Wire.beginTransmission( fourTenReadData() ); } else if ( channel == 15) { Wire.endTransmission(); } else if (channel == 14) { Wire.write( fourTenReadData() ); } } } //fourTenStart /* ______ _______ | ____| |__ __| | |__ ___ _ _ _ __| | ___ _ __ | __/ _ \| | | | '__| |/ _ \ '_ \ | | | (_) | |_| | | | | __/ | | | |_| \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\___|_| |_| Description ============= FourTen est un protocole de communication tres simple et tres rapide. Il permet d'envoyer des données dont la valeur se situe entre 0 et 1023 (10 bits) sur 16 canaux numerotes de 0 a 15 (4 bits). Installation ============= Pour utiliser le protocole dans Arduino ou Wiring, copier tout ce qui se trouve entre //fourTenStart et //fourTenEnd et l'ajouter a la fin de votre sketch. Utilisation ============= # fourTenWrite(int canal, int donnee) Permet d'envoyer un message fourTen. # fourTenAvailable() Retourne 1 si un message FourTen est disponible. Retourne 0 sinon. # int fourTenReadChannel() Retourne le canal d'un message FourTen recu. # int fourTenReadData() Retourne la donnee d'un message FourTen recu. Details du protocol FourTen ============= Chaque message est construit a partir de deux octets: octet 1 octet 2 bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 fonction 1 C C C C D D D 0 D D D D D D D C: canal D: donnee octet 1: bit 7 = 1 bits 6-3 = canal bits 2-0 = bits 9-7 de la donnee octet 2: bit 7 = 0 bits 6-0 = bits 6-0 de la donnee Le bit 7 de chaque octet sert a identifier si c'est l'octet 1 ou 2. En excluant ces deux bits, il reste donc 14 bits qui se subdivisent ainsi: 4 bits (canal) suivis de 10 bits (donnee) Le canal peut avoir une valeur entre 0-15. La donnee peut avoir une valeur entre 0-1023. */ void fourTenWrite(int channel, int data) { Serial.write( ( channel << 3 | ( ( data >> 7) & 0x07 ) ) | 0x80); Serial.write( data & 0x7F); } int fourTenBuffer; int fourTenAvailable( ) { while ( Serial.available() ) { int data =; if ( data & 0x80 ) { fourTenBuffer = data & 0x7F; } else { fourTenBuffer = ( fourTenBuffer << 7 ) | ( data & 0x7F ); return 1; } } return 0; } int fourTenReadChannel() { return fourTenBuffer>>10; } int fourTenReadData() { return fourTenBuffer & 0x3FF; } //fourTenEnd
#include <Wire.h> // Change the following line to change your Rainbowduino I2C address #define I2C_ADDRESS 4 #ifndef Rainbow_h #define Rainbow_h //============================================= //MBI5168 #define SH_DIR_OE DDRC #define SH_DIR_SDI DDRC #define SH_DIR_CLK DDRC #define SH_DIR_LE DDRC #define SH_BIT_OE 0x08 #define SH_BIT_SDI 0x01 #define SH_BIT_CLK 0x02 #define SH_BIT_LE 0x04 #define SH_PORT_OE PORTC #define SH_PORT_SDI PORTC #define SH_PORT_CLK PORTC #define SH_PORT_LE PORTC //============================================ #define clk_rising {SH_PORT_CLK&=~SH_BIT_CLK;SH_PORT_CLK|=SH_BIT_CLK;} #define le_high {SH_PORT_LE|=SH_BIT_LE;} #define le_low {SH_PORT_LE&=~SH_BIT_LE;} #define enable_oe {SH_PORT_OE&=~SH_BIT_OE;} #define disable_oe {SH_PORT_OE|=SH_BIT_OE;} #define shift_data_1 {SH_PORT_SDI|=SH_BIT_SDI;} #define shift_data_0 {SH_PORT_SDI&=~SH_BIT_SDI;} //============================================ #define open_line0 {PORTB=0x04;} #define open_line1 {PORTB=0x02;} #define open_line2 {PORTB=0x01;} #define open_line3 {PORTD=0x80;} #define open_line4 {PORTD=0x40;} #define open_line5 {PORTD=0x20;} #define open_line6 {PORTD=0x10;} #define open_line7 {PORTD=0x08;} #define close_all_line {PORTD&=~0xf8;PORTB&=~0x07;} //============================================ #define CheckRequest (g8Flag1&0x01) #define SetRequest (g8Flag1|=0x01) #define ClrRequest (g8Flag1&=~0x01) //============================================== #define waitingcmd 0x00 #define processing 0x01 #define checking 0x02 #define showPrefabnicatel 0x01 #define showChar 0x02 #define showColor 0x03 #endif //============================================================= unsigned char dots_color[2][3][8][4]; //define Two Buffs (one for Display ,the other for receive data) //define the Gamma value for correct the different LED matrix unsigned char GamaTab[16]= {0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7}; //============================================================= unsigned char line,level; unsigned char Buffprt=0; //unsigned char State=0; unsigned char g8Flag1; //unsigned char RainbowCMD[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; void setup() { //Serial.begin(57600); //Serial.println("START"); DDRD=0xff; DDRC=0xff; DDRB=0xff; PORTD=0; PORTB=0; Wire.begin(I2C_ADDRESS); // join i2c bus Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent); // define the receive function for receiving data from master //Wire.onRequest(requestEvent); // define the request function for the request from maseter init_timer2(); // initial the timer for scanning the LED matrix } void receiveEvent(int howMany) { // unsigned char header = Wire.receive(); //Serial.println(header,DEC); //if ( header == 32 ) { unsigned char i = 0; while(Wire.available()>0) { unsigned char d = Wire.receive(); // Serial.println(d,DEC); unsigned char x = i / 4; unsigned char y = i % 4; // dots_color[2][3][8][4]; // d = xxRGBRGB // xx(RGB n)(RGB n+1) dots_color[Buffprt][1][x][y] = ((d & B00100000) ? B11110000 : B00000000) | ((d & B00000100) ? B00001111 : B00000000); dots_color[Buffprt][0][x][y] = ((d & B00010000) ? B11110000 : B00000000) | ((d & B00000010) ? B00001111 : B00000000); dots_color[Buffprt][2][x][y] = ((d & B00001000) ? B11110000 : B00000000) | ((d & B00000001) ? B00001111 : B00000000); i++; } //Buffprt = (Buffprt + 1) % 2; //} } void loop() { } ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) //Timer2 Service { TCNT2 = GamaTab[level]; // Reset a scanning time by gamma value table flash_next_line(line,level); // sacan the next line in LED matrix level by level. line++; if(line>7) // when have scaned all LEC the back to line 0 and add the level { line=0; level++; if(level>15) level=0; } } void init_timer2(void) { TCCR2A |= (1 << WGM21) | (1 << WGM20); TCCR2B |= (1<<CS22); // by clk/64 TCCR2B &= ~((1<<CS21) | (1<<CS20)); // by clk/64 TCCR2B &= ~((1<<WGM21) | (1<<WGM20)); // Use normal mode ASSR |= (0<<AS2); // Use internal clock - external clock not used in Arduino TIMSK2 |= (1<<TOIE2) | (0<<OCIE2B); //Timer2 Overflow Interrupt Enable TCNT2 = GamaTab[0]; sei(); } //============================================================== void shift_1_bit(unsigned char LS) //shift 1 bit of 1 Byte color data into Shift register by clock { if(LS) { shift_data_1; } else { shift_data_0; } clk_rising; } //============================================================== void flash_next_line(unsigned char line,unsigned char level) // scan one line { disable_oe; close_all_line; open_line(line); shift_24_bit(line,level); enable_oe; } //============================================================== void shift_24_bit(unsigned char line,unsigned char level) // display one line by the color level in buff { unsigned char color=0,row=0; unsigned char data0=0,data1=0; le_high; for(color=0;color<3;color++)//GBR { for(row=0;row<4;row++) { data1=dots_color[Buffprt][color][line][row]&0x0f; data0=dots_color[Buffprt][color][line][row]>>4; if(data0>level) //gray scale,0x0f aways light { shift_1_bit(1); } else { shift_1_bit(0); } if(data1>level) { shift_1_bit(1); } else { shift_1_bit(0); } } } le_low; } //============================================================== void open_line(unsigned char line) // open the scaning line { switch(line) { case 0: { open_line0; break; } case 1: { open_line1; break; } case 2: { open_line2; break; } case 3: { open_line3; break; } case 4: { open_line4; break; } case 5: { open_line5; break; } case 6: { open_line6; break; } case 7: { open_line7; break; } } }